View Profile MurcurySword

10 Game Reviews

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God, YES!

Its about time someone made one of these. I don't know how you got these sounds of just the isolated voices in highquality, but man... thanks. (incase you can't tell, I'm obsessed with Silent Hill)

Burnsyman responds:

Hehe noprob. Im glad you enjoyed it. Silent Hill rules!

This has become my new passtime.

Despite what some say about the controls sucking and that the concept is lame, I believe that this is the best flash-game to date on the internet. You can throw the knives, the axes, the empty (or near empty) weapons at peoples' heads, the sound is the closest thing to perfection, the controls are fine once you get used to them, and above all: You can do just about anything you see in the Madness movies=TOTALLY INTERACTIVE.
You also threw in some awsome extras like the zombie and knive trowing challenges. The Character Costumes were a very nice touch too. Thankyou for making the ULTAMENT SOLITARE ALTERNATIVE!!! YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Son of a bitch! That was freakin' AWESOME!

Arcade mets flash. Very very very nice. I mix up the W and the D when shooting and collecting stuff since everythings happening so fast... but thats exactly how it should be, JUST LIKE THE ARCADES! SWEET! The cartoony style is a deffinte plus, and the sound effects just flat out rule. This is awesome. Self explanitory.

good programing

use helicopters, more realistic, fight jets can't hover that high that long.


You should have made a whole Evil Dead Bruce sound board. I love sound boards and I'm a big fan of Bruce Campbell. There needs to be an ass-kicking BruceBoard.

FourClock responds:

Then that's what i'll do and i'll make it 10 time's better than this one!

I love it

This reminds me of Sammy Light Foot, it's this game from when I was 2. This is a perfect example of how games were back then:


Oh man...
That... was good.
I still prefer "Chainsaw the Children". I am actually ordering the Chainsaw manaic shirt. Finish that game too.

That "Corprate World" music saved your ass man.

You got a couple penalties for using sticks and making it too counterstrike-ish but other than that I liked it.

Sherpy-2 responds:

I've played counterstrike before.. Didn't like it one bit. But bear in mind: This was made 0.8 years ago, when I was young and stupid.


I'd honestly have to say this is one of if not THE best game on Newgrounds. The sound track kicks ass and the battles are awsome. It's like being at the arcade...FOR FREE!

Pure Genuis

This is surly the best shooter since Captain Low Rez's Blast Pod. It was excelent how you included the originial blast pod so your viewers could make comparison. There's nothing I like better than seeing clasics come back with a vengance. Good job, man.

The command "Rest" does not compute. I've got the will to drive myself sleepless.

John Carlo Giulietti @MurcurySword

Age 38, Male

Neo-Zero Productions

Rockville High School

Vernon, CT

Joined on 1/19/01

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